Making Room for Doubt

Doubt is not the opposite of belief. 

Unbelief is the opposite of belief. 

Doubt and unbelief are not the same. 

Doubt may be the dark, often-neglected, seldom discussed, underbelly of belief. 

Obstinacy is a refusal to believe. 

Doubt is part of the struggle to believe. 

Obstinacy is a sin. Doubt is often just human struggle. 

Obstinacy and doubt are not the same.

Truth is discovered on the other side of doubting lies. 

Doubting our doubts may be a path to encountering both the intellectual credibility and existential satisfaction the Christian faith offers. 

Doubt may even be an invitation from the Holy Spirit to a deeper exploration of one’s faith. 

Either way, if there is no room for doubt there is no room for us. Much of the Psalter should be squeezed out of our spirituality as well.  

Therefore, let’s create room for doubters to encounter the presence of the living Christ. 

We may be making room for our future self.




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