About The Way Church
A church in Vancouver joining Jesus in the restoration of all things.
The Way Church meets on Sundays in Vancouver and North Vancouver as well as streaming our 9 am service online.
More than Sunday mornings, we gather on Monday and Tuesday nights in small groups scattered all throughout Vancouver, North Vancouver and the Lower Mainland—dynamic faith environments that allow people to connect with one another, grow in their relationship with God, and serve the city together.
Whether inviting people into Alpha that creates space for doubt, questions and honest wrestling with God; or a Freedom Session environment where people experience deep healing from past and present wounds; or a dynamic children's ministry, or youth ministry experience where young people encounter the love of Jesus, our desire is to see everyone equipped to be growing disciples of Jesus.
Being shaped by the teaching of scripture as a pathway to hope and restoration.
Whether you have spent years of your life reading the scriptures, or you find yourself skeptical about the relevancy and trustworthiness of the Bible, our goal is to make the story of God accessible and applicable to all.
Pursuing the presence of God who is the giver of peace and the source of full life.
God is not far off or aloof, He draws near to us through His Holy Spirit. Wherever you are at in your journey with God, we hope to invite you into an experience of God’s presence through Sunday gatherings and meaningful times of prayer ministry.
Prioritizing authentic relationships and meaningful connection.
The city can feel lonely and isolating so we want to invite people into a welcoming community where you can be known, loved and included.
Being formed by the counter-cultural rhythms of Jesus.
Following Jesus involves doing what He did. This includes the practice of spiritual disciplines like prayer and fasting, celebration and Sabbath, service and solitude, to name a few.
Joining God in his mission of restoration.
As a community of people following in the way of Jesus, we exist for the good of our city and our world. It is not that our church has a mission. Our God has a mission and He invites us to participate in it as His set apart and sent people.
For the common good
We want to engage the local and global church through meaningful partnerships with organizations that empower local leaders and local efforts. Our church regularly partners with organizations through volunteers and finances.