How to End Loneliness
Sociologists have shown that the feeling of being lonely is different than simply being alone. Some people who feel lonely talk to a lot of people everyday.
To end loneliness you need other people plus something else…
“Loneliness isn’t the physical absence of other people, it’s the sense that you’re not sharing anything that matters with anyone else.”
We need people plus meaning.
We need people plus mission.
We need to share something that matters.
We share a common God.
A God who exists eternally in loving relationship as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A divine community of mutual love and indwelling, one divine essence, three distinct persons - unity in the midst of diversity.
We have in common the most significant person in the universe. The one who holds all of reality together, hold us together as well.
We are part of a common story that God is writing - a story that started long before us and a story that will continue after we are gone.
We are part of a long tradition of people who have read the same scriptures, prayed the same prayers, celebrated the same sacraments of baptism and communion, met around the same Gospel and tasted the same goodness of God’s grace.
We are every people, every tribe, every tongue and every nation. His blood binds us together in this life and forever.
We also share a common mission in the here and now. To use our unique talents, gifts and abilities to serve one another and the world, to pour ourselves out in self-sacrificial love, binding up wounds, speaking life and blessing, living for the good of others, and joining God in the restoration of the world.
We have relationships plus a common hope, a common joy, a common love, and a common commitment to one another.
This is our story.
People plus something.
People plus someone.
People plus a significant part to play in His story…
“Which goes on forever: in which every chapter [will one day be] better than the one before.”