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Consumed Conference

  • Northgate Church 1640 Burgess Road Courtenay, BC, V9N 5W8 Canada (map)

Consumed Conference is a three-day youth event hosted by Northgate Church in Courtenay BC, where students will experience worship, teaching, breakout sessions, and plenty of memorable moments. To find out more about this event, click here.

We believe that times away as a youth ministry deepen friendship, and create unique opportunities for powerful encounters with God. We consider these conference moments, along with our regular youth nights, as essential elements of a robust faith formation for our youth. We're praying for lasting memories and profound moments with Jesus.

The conference starts on Friday evening and concludes on Sunday morning. Overnight accommodations for our Youth Group will be provided close to the event venue.

Further details: 

  • Parent Drop Off: Friday, May 2 @ 5:00pm Strath / 5:30pm NV

  • Parent Pick Up: Sunday, May 4 @ 6:30pm Strath / 5:30pm NV 

  • We will be driving to the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal and taking the 6:35 ferry to Departure Bay in Nanaimo. We will take care of travel arrangements. 

  • Accommodations: Youth Unlimited Comox Valley has kindly offered to host us in their cabins & campground, which are located 7 minutes from the conference venue. Guys and girls will be in separate cabins. 

  • Meals are provided (including dinner on Friday before we head out) 

  • Packing list will be provided upon registration 

  • A specific youth leader will be assigned to your student so they will be cared for, and supervised throughout the weekend. 

  • Price: $130 per student 

Questions? Reach out to us anytime: 

Rachel Sousa (Vancouver Youth Pastor)

Jesse Mota (North Vancouver Youth Pastor)

May 1

Alpha North Vancouver

May 13

Evening Intensive: The Life & Work of CS Lewis