A Pastoral Word | July

by Todd Lueck

July 4, 2024

Dear Way Church Family,

I have the privilege of writing this month’s pastoral message for our church. As the Finance Team Lead, I want to take a moment to celebrate our community’s generosity and provide a quick update on this year’s budget.

As we conclude the first half of 2024, I am pausing to reflect on the impactful work of The Way Church during this period. I am thankful. I am humbled. And I am honoured to be part of what God is doing through our community.

In my role, I have a unique insight into the massive scope of the financial costs of real ministry, from the little (hand soap) and unseen (insurance) to the ministry expressions (meals for Alpha) and monthly contributions to partner organizations around the world. Altogether, they speak to a dynamic range of ministry happening through our community.

I’m pleased to report that we are right on track with the budget approved by our board for 2024. In addition to our general budget, we’re also grateful for the designated giving towards our Vision Builders, Local/Global Missions, and North Vancouver Building funds. We’ve experienced our congregation invest deeply in expanding the reach and longevity of the ministry we are doing. I celebrate and extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you who have contributed.

Scripture teaches us that God delights in a church that practices generosity. Whether you have been able to contribute financially in large or small amounts, or have given in significant ways through your time and talents, I want to celebrate the spirit of generosity that is vibrant and growing at The Way Church. As you consider how you might give to The Way Church this summer, know that your generosity is enabling our leadership team to prepare for ministry this fall and into next year. Thank you!

My prayer for us is that, as we continue to walk humbly before the Lord and steward what God has entrusted to us, we will witness an even greater outpouring of God’s kingdom through our community.

Enjoy these beautiful summer days in the greatest city on the planet.


Todd Lueck



A Pastoral Word | January


A Pastoral Word | June