Following Jesus Together in Vancouver
A community joining Jesus in his work of renewal and restoration in the city.
Sunday Services
Vancouver & North Vancouver
Small Groups
Groups across Greater Vancouver
10-weeks to explore life’s biggest questions
Prayer Gatherings
Weekly gatherings in Vancouver, North Vancouver, & online.
Freedom Session
Live a life of freedom and purpose.
Taming the Tongue
DATEMarch 23, 2025
SPEAKERElita Friesen
SERIESJames: The Letter From Jesus’ Brother
TEXTJames 3:1-12
Join us at The Way College for a day to explore what it looks like to be a student with us.
Throughout the day experience rich classes, meaningful conversation, and connect with students + faculty.
As a church community we have a growing desire to prioritize environments of prayer. Come spend time as a community listening for God’s heart for our church, our city, and our world—and praying in response.
We all have questions about life. What if the answers could be found around a table? Join us for a night of appetizers, live music, and a DJ to learn more about Alpha, a 10-week exploration of life’s big questions. There’s no pressure to join Alpha after, this is just a preview!
The Alpha Pre-Marriage Course is for those who are engaged or preparing to get married within the next year.
The Pre-Marriage Course will be facilitated by the Way Church team, guided by a series of videos produced by the Alpha International team.
This course helps couples who are preparing for marriage to engage in intentional dialogue and process through what is ahead.