Prayer is the foundation of every significant work of God. It is through prayer that we engage with the Spirit of God, partnering with Him in His redemptive work for our city and inviting His healing power into our lives.

How to participate

At The Way Church, we are committed to being a people of prayer—through times of personal prayer, weekly prayer gatherings, and prayer ministry in our services. Once a year, we set aside 21 days to pray in unity; practicing fasting, contemplation, and intercession as a community.

We invite you to join us for 21 Days of Prayer from January 12 - February 1.


Use the prayer guide in personal prayer

Every day we have a unique theme that we will be focusing our prayers around. Wherever you are, we encourage you to join us in prayer for our community, our church, and our world.


Fast on Wednesdays.

Whether it’s for a single meal or throughout the whole day, we invite you to consider going without food as we allow our hunger to reveal our need for God as we seek Him.


Join us for prayer gatherings.

We invite you to prioritize time in your week to pray in community—through Weekly Prayer Gatherings, Midday Prayer, Prayer & Worship Nights, or Neighbourhood Prayer Walks.


Going without food for the purpose of intentional times of prayer and seeking God. Fasting exposes the depths of our hearts to the love of the Father and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, revealing the things that control us.

We recognize the complexities of fasting, and understand that some individuals may choose not to fast from food. You might instead opt to abstain, for example, from social media, sugar, or television in order to create more space for prayer. We invite you to prayerfully consider what the Lord might be inviting you into during this time.


Prayer that engages our minds & hearts, and sometimes our imaginative ability. Contemplative prayer recognizes and sits in God's presence as we fix our gaze on Him; listening, waiting, and attending to the Spirit. 


Prayer for others and loving others through enlisting the power of heaven. Intercessory prayer stands in the gap, praying on behalf of others. We want to know what is on God’s heart and mind as we pray, agreeing with the Spirit as He intercedes for us.


Weekly Prayer Gatherings

Corporate prayer & worship stirs our desires for God and His Kingdom. When we gather to pray as a church, the Spirit releases signs & wonders that draw many to Him.

  • Tuesdays 7-8 AM
    Way Church Ministry Centre, 1155 Thurlow St 

    Thursdays 5:45-6:15 PM
    The Way Church North Vancouver, 630 19th St E 

    Fridays 7-8 AM
    Youth Unlimited Vancouver , 1495 Venables St

Prayer & Worship Nights

When we gather weekly to pray in smaller groups, we get to hear the cries & gratitude of one another, stirring our hearts & imaginations toward intercession. 

  • Wednesday, January 15 7-8 PM
    The Way Church Strathcona, 431 Princess Ave

    Wednesday, January 22 7-8 PM 
    The Way Church North Vancouver, 630 19th St E  

    Wednesday, January 29 7-8 PM 
    The Way Church Fairview, 1708 W 16th Ave

Midday Prayer

An opportunity for us to pray together while we fast, uniting our hearts toward repentance, humility, intercession, and seeking God’s guidance.

Neighbourhood Prayer Walks

Just as Jesus prayed for those around him as he walked the earth, we want to see the community around us and align our hearts with God’s purpose for the neighbourhoods we gather in.

  • Sunday, January 26th 1-2PM 
    The Way Church Strathcona, 431 Princess Ave 
    The Way Church North Van, 630 19th St E
    The Way Church Fairview, 1708 W 16th Ave 
